Are you feeling hot, hot, hot? Do you need a quick and easy way to cool down on a hot Summer day? Sitali Pranayama may look a bit silly, but trust me, this breathing exercise is a lifesaver when you're feeling overheated!
Here's how it works
First, curl your tongue into a tube shape (if you can't do that, don't worry, make an oval shape with your mouth!) Next, inhale sharply through your curled tongue or oval-shaped mouth. Finally, exhale normally.
Repeat this process as many times as you need to feel refreshed and energized. It's a great way to stay cool, no matter how hot it gets outside. Kids will love this one as it's super silly. Can you curl your tongue?
Invite your kids to explore yoga through play with Metta Play's bilingual yoga cards available here or you can download them instantly here!